Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Not muslim-friendly workplace

Assalamualikum semua :)

I woke up today feeling blessed because in the middle of the night, I awoke for no reason. After some debating with myself in my head, I decided to go with the side of me which was nagging at me to pray sunat. I went back to sleep and not long after, it was time for me to start the day and pray Subuh. 

I love my job. The only two things that aren't favourable are
1. I always miss Zuhr prayer 
2. Food served are mostly non-halal

I work at a Korean company, you see. So they're not Muslim friendly per se. When i started working here, i wasn't wearing a hijab yet. But after half a year, i started wearing it. At first i was nervous and afraid of what might happen (which was why i took so long to start wearing hijab in the first place). But after learning and reading more from the Quran and syarahans, i felt guilty not wearing it. Alhamdulillah, Allah had given me hidayah to be stronger in my faith.

So far it's been pretty good. I dont feel any tension with anyone, theyre still as nice to me as they were before and the clients are also not showing any outward sign of displeasure or animosity. Syukur Alhamdulillah.

That's it for today. Have a good one! Salam :)

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