Saturday, December 23, 2017

Learning from lectures


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Nouman Ali Khan

Alif Lam Mim - This is the writing itself
There is no room for doubt (Step 1. intellectual relationship with the Quran)
Doubt gets removed when you see a miracle, sometimes not for the eyes, but for the ears (not for every ear)
Purpose of miracles is to remove doubt
But for the next generation, the doubt occurs again because the next generation didn’t see it from their own eyes. Cos to them, it’s just a story
Now, the only way you can see the Quran as a miracle is when you come looking for it.
If you study Quran in a shallow way, you will find contradictions
But if you ponder and really read into it, there are no contradictions
It’s a guidance, counsel, advice (to those who are lost)
A hadiah (gift)
I am constantly seeking guidance (like a body needs water) (Step 2. Emotional relationship with the Quran)
Fill the thirst of your heart every few hours – solat
Quran has the power to guide you, and it is already actively guiding you.
Al mutaqim – people who are protecting yourself and carefully taking a step at a time (like a horse without his battle shoes)à NOUN

Verbs are temporary
Nouns are permanent (timeless)

Look for role models in the past

Al ghaib – those who believe in the unseen
Accept there is a reality that you cannot see, including the appreciation of the invisible. Also eg, feeling bad when you gossip, etc. conscience is heightened (Allah is always watching) eg, when you see others who have more worldly possessions than you, remember the unseen (your reward with Allah swt.)
Eg, going through physical pain, sickness (those who are patient will be rewarded)
Eg. Being alone in this world (Allah is always with me)
There are angels whose only jobs are to protect us
We have always been your protecting friends in this world and the next -angels say to those who are dying
Allah alone owns dignity – He is the one who grants dignity
Backbiting is a big deal – be careful what you blurt out with your mouth

1st disease of the heart – ghaib (doubt)
Syaitan has access to your chest, NOT your heart. Our job is to sense that syaitan is knocking on our hearts, don’t open the door. If you open the door enough times, you let him move in. what used to be beautiful becomes ugly and whatever was ugly becomes beautiful (sins)

Master does not owe His slave anything (Allah swt does not owe us anything)
Primary bond between them is love
Do not associate anything else to Allah swt. i.e. do not love anything more or together with your love with Allah, including material obsessions like music, food, money, etc

Whatever has been placed on the earth has been made FOR you, subdued to you
·       meteors don’t attack the earth, even though the solar system is actually in constant chaos
·       natural disasters can occur on us ANYTIME
·       Allah humbled the earth and the universe, he kept it calm FOR us
Your ruh needs nur, your physical body needs material needs
Before Adam was created, we were ALL (non-believers too!) souls with Allah, we died, then we were placed in physical bodies in the wombs of our mothers
-traits of Allah are influenced on us (we are a little bit like Allah’s 99 names)

He made the world supportive for us to strengthen us to be obedient and grateful to Him

Bilal Khan


string and wind instruments
haram content
liking musicians – they are doing haram things (drinking, drugs, other sins)
Pictorial representations of human beings (image making) – idolatry started through the making of images (to the next generation who were not communicated how the images were used permissibly during the previous generation)
People worshipped idols in the shape of people or animals (so other things like plants, planets and landscapes are still safe)


Percussion instruments (drums)
Singing the Al-Quran

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