Sunday, October 29, 2017

Giving zakat

Assalamualaikum :)

So i had a revelation when i was thinking about the prayer dua one recites during tahiyat awal and akhir. It's the first line "attahiyatul bubarakkatus salawatutaybadulillah" which means "All compliments, physical prayer and monetory worship is for Allah"

I have been praying for my heart to be filled with more sincerity when it comes to me doing good deeds, insyaAllah. Cos sometimes when im approached or pass by a beggar, i reject them cos i dont feel that some of them deserve it. But i realise im looking at the whole thing misguidedly. "All monetary worship is for Allah." Like Khai told me, "If u beri dpt pahala. If u tak beri u never get anything."

Alhamdulillah for this significant change of my perspective. I feel blessed by Allah's love, affection and mercy. He has provided for me and gifted me with lots of rezki. 

May peace be with you.

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