Tuesday, October 22, 2019


To get into heaven

1. Faith in the Messenger (saw)
2. Believe in Allah
3) Believe in Last Day + Akhirat
4) Act righteously (do good deeds)
- avoiding sin
- solat, zakat, fasting, sincerity
-dzikir, hajj, iman, akhlak (morals)

Prophet Daud - when he prayed, nature would pray with him
very powerful yet humble and wise

when prophet Daud was in his private quarters high in the tower
fasir =fear that removes your logic (react without thinking)

2 brothers dispute. one has 99 sheep, the other 1 sheep
99-sheep bro asks 1-sheep bro for his 1 sheep (applies to business owners/family members)
ppl are more likely to wrong those close to you
prophet daud just heard the 1-sheep bro and did not ask for the other side of the story from the richer bro before making judgement
even though in most cases, the rich is wrong, a fair judge should still hear both sides/stories

if you are asked to pass judgment and you are not in the right mind (logical/rational and calm), don't pass the judgement first. do it another time when you are more calm.

don't follow whim/impulsive desires
it will mislead you from Allah's path

everybody is asked to be a fair judge
we maintain the integrity of our ummah
sense of justice to those who are closest to us



if you don't take care of it, it will die. -marriage

your treatment of your husband is a direct reflection of your connection with Allah

NO corrupt attitude, NO spiteful demeanor
active effort to maintain her attitude

willing, obedient and subservient to Allah

constantly check yourself

guarding what can't be seen
-respect, dignity, trust of husband when he's not around
-trust your husband (he resists many temptations to be good to you)
-provide peace and tranquility to your husband



prayer to ask for:
1. the good of this world
2. the good of the hereafter
3. to be protected from the punishment of the hereafter

not asking for more but asking to be pleased with what you have
and that your deeds are accepted by Allah swt

what to doa for in hasanah dunya (goodness in this world)
1. beneficial knowledge
2. pure sustenance - halal earnings
3. Allah accepts your good deeds

what You've given me: material blessings, knowledge, Allah being pleased with me

Islam is a tool to enter jannah

Ihsan > Taqwa

Principles of Happiness:
something to do
something to love
something to look forward to
muslims have it all


Make sure your investment in your light is not killed before the Last Day

Those who buried their light away

Blinded  TYPE #1 - what you see isn't actually there

like in a desert, seeing a mirage
Runs towards water but there is nothing there except Allah
You are so thirsty
Allah will give you what you deserve (and He will be quick in His audit)

Just because of your external appearance (committed to faith on the outside)
aka Reputable people
but your inner diseases still occur
so you think that you will get your 'mirage'

sense of superiority
"I'm better than the other guy who doesn't even pray"
you're just in a desert

whether or not people praise/criticize means nothing (only what Allah thinks is important)

Blinded TYPE #2 - 

layers of darkness out at sea
waves get worse and worse
a wave so huge, it overtakes him
you are now underwater
and more waves and storms still hit you while you're underwater and in darkness
cannot get up from rock bottom, cos waves keep crashing onto him again and again

Allah doesn't give light to those who choose not to

bad influence in environment
addiction of the elements (haram things/behaviour) of that entire scene
even in darkness (at rock bottom of the sea), you still have some light in your heart. you can almost see your hand = still have hope

Quran  is the protection of the heart

light (lamp) = guidance (in hearts) which can light up others

light gets appreciated when you're in the dark

all prophets were a minority

on the day of resurrection, the light in your heart is going to be seen
it will be total darkness, light only comes from people to guide them towards their destination (Heaven or hell)

- from our hearts (sincere to Allah and your faith)
- from our right hands (good deeds)

Light given by Allah in your heart
Never blows out completely
no matter how far gone you think you are
Allah is saying "You are the one who gives up on Me, not that I gave up on you."

but...there are situations where the light in your heart is completely gone
-when people knowingly suffocated it
heart turned to stone
you don't even feel guilty anymore
haram temptations are justified (coming from syaitan)

believe in Allah and His messenger and the light He sends down
keep coming back to Allah's Quran with sincerity

Al-Baqarah verse 30

Allah brought you to life from death, then death and life again

2 beginnings:
1. Adam's beginning
2. 1st guided nation

1. Adam was not sent to earth as a punishment
Allah swt had already planned for Adam to be earth's khalifa
we are born with innocence, unlike what christians believe

khalifa - someone who will proceed one after another (offsprings)

Allah created humans to be in harmony with the enivronment
in reality, many humans don't respect the honour and gifts given by Allah swt

believers are the ones to prove that there are exceptions to this statement

Al- Baqarah verses 31-35

Allah swt taught humans language and articulation
in many studies in this world, it boils down to terminologies
"he (adam/man) was taught the names of things"

'names of things' - knowledge of dunya came from what Allah taught us
man-made inventions -from the human mind, but the human mind was gifted from Allah swt

the honour is our admitting our weakness as slaves of Allah swt
your words are just a symptom of a pre-existing disease (eg. arrogance, greed of power)
iblis - rationalizes his disobedience to Allah


Iblis has animosity towards mankind
the animosity between women and men are also fueled by iblis

tools on this earth are to use, not to enjoy
in your hands, not your heart

Allah accepted the repentance of Adam
Allah gave Adam words to recite, Adam recited sincerely, his repentance was accepted

Image result for islam adam's supplication to his creator

Surah Al-Bagarah 39-44

investigate that the guidance is from Allah swt
when non-believers challenge islam, we need to think about what they say in terms of verifying the 'doubt' and clarify the teachings

ensure there is evidence/proof of what teachings tell you (e.g. quoted from ARABIC Quran)

Fear is associated with the future (scared of what may happen)
sadness is associated with the past

muslims will not be worried like how others will be worried/fearful

having a fear vs having a fear on them (more dangerous)

on judgement day, even when you feel afraid, there will be no fear on you

believers are nothing else but brothers to one another
believers don't let one group make fun of another group of believers

if you try to fulfil happiness that is not from Allah's guidance, you will be filled with sadness.

fear - noun (permanent)
grief/sadness - verb (temporary)

in this dunya, there is no loss for the believer

when someone who is sick, it's a good thing. "It is a purifier from Allah's will"
the longer you are sick, the more purified of your sins

2 trials that test your faith:
1.extreme difficulty/calamities
2. extreme luxury (may stop being faithful)

"If you follow Allah's guidance, it will not be they who will be grieving."

if you are a believer, that means you follow guidance. if you don't follow guidance, don't claim that you are a believer

following guidance (it's an individual thing)
sometimes you are alone, swimming upstream

muslims being obsessed with hoarding too much wealth (saving money)
don't need!
bani Israel (jews)
remember the favours of Allah (gifts, to be followers of the last prophet)
fulfill Allah's promise, and Allah will fulfill His promise to you

"And be afraid only of Allah"

softening of heart first (being grateful)
then fear of Allah will come easily and naturally

"believe of what I have sent down that confirms what you already have."
Torah -> Quran *last messenger

1. First faith: faith in the messenger
2. believe in Allah
3. last day +  Akhirat
4. good deeds

iman = believe 100% of Quran, cant take anything less than 100%

"Don't sell my ayat for a small price"
small price = dunya elements

Taqwa = fear/seeking protection
don't diguise truth with falsehood
Taqwa only of Allah, don't fear people/dunya

should not interpret Quran from grief or fear of dunya (personal agenda)

zakat = purification (increases your fear of Allah)


Surah Al-Baqarah is the peak of Quran

understand that you cannot understand everything
only Allah knows all
you can only attempt to understand the Quran and insyaAllah, doors of knowledge will open to you

read the Quran with this humility

point to something far away, means you look up to it (it's above you)

those who ask for guidance, to protect yourself, to be cautious, you will feel something in your heart. it's called taqwa

if you believe in the unseen,
1. establishing solat is easy

only from We provided for you (it's not mine)

2. you spend for Allah

believe in what was sent to you and sent before you (Muhammad saw)
proof that there is no other Rasul after prophet Muhammad (saw)

'faizun' vs 'muflihun' (after a long time of labour/effort to be successful)

whether you warn them or not, they will not believe. door to dakwah is closed to them. Allah has placed a seal upon their hearts

not applying to all believers, only some

Types of people (in all of humanity)

1. people who have taqwa - iman, spending, fear of Allah =  believers

2. people who are bent upon disbelief  = kafir

3. people who say "we have come to believe in Allah" = munafik/hypocrites
seems as we are one with the believers. Allah says they have no iman at all, they try to deceive Allah but only to deceive themselves (attempting to be spies, and they don't even realise)


1. Great punishment
non-muslim but pretending to be muslim
ulterior motives (eg. from churches trying to get proof that muslims are terrorists)

2. constantly painful punishment
they themselves don't even know that you are a hypocrite, you think you are muslim

look for symptoms of hypocrisy (2nd type)
disease of the heart
even if you see the slightest symptom, address it immediately

1. continuously lie (cause corruption). they called the sahabah 'fools' for sacrificing everything for Allah

Legacy of Ibrahim - making sacrifices
those who abandon sacrifice

2. paranoid that people can see them for who they really are
overcompensates for needing to announce their faith

3. wen argued/confronted, he will get angry

4. makes friends with both sides. muslims and enemies of muslims
'amiah' - blind of the eyes
'amihah' - blind of heart

5. did not make an effort to be guided
joined islam easily, during a time when islam was very easy to join

iman is inside your heart
islam is outside

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